Meditation and Pranayama Online Tutorials with Sue Woodd

Meditation and Pranayama Online Tutorials with Sue Woodd

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Product Description:

Sue Woodd’s Meditation and Pranayama Online Tutorials is a series of 10 videos. Each video is led by Sue Woodd teaching and demonstrating a different meditation and/or pranayama technique.

The aim of these videos is to teach you how to be more in-tune with your body and your external environment during each season. Each meditation and pranayama technique, depending on when they are practised should be approached with a different intention and awareness so your ‘Prana’ or ‘Chi’ becomes in greater harmony with the energy of the seasons, both internally and externally. 

Product Delivery:

This is a digital product. Once you purchase the produce, you will get immediate access to all the videos on a password protected page.

Below are titles and descriptions of each of the 10 videos that are available in the Meditation and Pranayama Online Tutorials.

Sama Vrittri Pranayama

“Equal Length”, also known as Square Breath. Best practiced to slow the mind and breath down for meditation and to activate the Muladhara chakra and amplify the earth element.

Ventilation Breath

Best practiced in preparation for pranayama or meditation, to rid the body of dead air and activate the lungs and lower abdominals.

Ujjayi Breathing

Used during Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga, Ujjayi breathing works to meditatively relax the breath and muscles. The steady, deep breathing focuses the mind and opens the body during yoga asana. 

Bhastrika Pranayama

A dynamic pranayama, Bhastrika is best practised in the morning. Bhastrika Pranayama creates heat in the body, oxygenates the lungs and removes toxins from the lungs and bloodstream. 

Nadi Shodana Pranayama

Nadi Shodana cleanses the two energy channels (nadis) of the body, and is used to calm and balance the right and left brain, slow down the heart rate and help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Maha Pranayama

Maha Pranayama is an energetic fire element practice used to oxygenate the body, activate the circulatory system, to calm the mind and steady the emotions. 

Kapalabhati Pranayama

A strong, cleansing pranyama used to strengthen the diaphragm, clean the sinuses and overall bring strength and clarity to the mind. It is a great dynamic preparation for meditation and best practised early in the morning on an empty stomach.

Mula Bandha

A grounding pranayama practice used to activate the earth element. Mula Bandha gives a sense of vitality and security to the body by connecting to the earth and our overall wellbeing.

Full Yogic Breath

A beginners pranayama technique used to maximise oxygen in the body, directing breath from the abdomen to the ribcage and to the upper chest.

Sitkari or Sheetali Cooling Breath

Also known as tongue rolling. Sitkari or Sheetali is used to cool down the body and increase water and hydration to the organs. Used for healing and calming the body and energy system.